Camp Dakota
Camping & Adventures!
What time is Check in / Check out?
Check in time is between 3PM - 6PM and Check out is 11AM. (Late arrivals should call ahead for instructions.) We have day use parking for early arrivals or folks who would like to stick around camp to do activities after they check out of their site. (Sorry RVs do not fit in the day use parking area.)
What food is available?
Camp Dakota offers made-to-order pizza delivered directly to your camping site between the hours of 12 Noon - 6 PM. Please have your order in by 5 PM (4PM winter). We also have a variety of snacks, muffins, and a full service coffee / espresso bar at our camp office open 8 AM - 6 PM during the summer and 9 AM - 5PM during the winter.
Do I need to make a reservation?
Always. Save yourself a $10 reservation fee by booking online. For phone reservations call us directly at 503-873-7432 8AM - 6PM / 7 days a week. Have your Visa/Mastercard/Discover card ready.
Is there a good road to Camp Dakota? Yes. For good directions on a well maintained paved road use the directions tab at the top of this screen.
Do you allow pets?
Yes. Each pet must be registered with the Office, and there is a $5/pet/night fee. Only pets on a leash are allowed at Camp Dakota.
What if I have to cancel my reservation?
We do not offer refunds for cancellations, however you may qualify for a credit. Call us directly 503-873-7432
How many tents will fit in my site?
A detailed site description of each site is included on the page dedicated to that type of camping. (Tent, RV, Cabin Tent, Yurt, or Group sites)
How hot / cold will it be there?
To view the detailed forecast for our area click on the weather forecast link.
What clothes should I bring?
All activities at Camp Dakota require that you wear closed toe shoes. (No sandals or flip flops) If you plan to play paintball, you should wear long sleeves, full length pants, and shoes with good ankle support. Please check the current forecast and prepare accordingly.
Are there showers?
Yes. The showers are coin operated and cost $.25 per minute. We have quarters available at the campground office between the hours of 8AM -6PM.
Are there bathrooms?
There are Porta-potties spaced throughout the campground. We do not have any flush toilets.
Is there electricity?
RV sites, and yurts have electricity. Tent sites, Tee Pees, Cabin Tents do not have electricity. There are electrical outlets at our shower building and also near our campground office. Make sure when you reserve your site that you request an electric site when you make your reservation if you need electricity.
Is there cell phone service? Unfortunately our remote location does not yet have reliable cell phone coverage.
Is there Wi-Fi?
We have very slow Wi-Fi available near the camp office.
May I bring my RV or camping trailer?
Yes. We have sites with water and electric for RVs and some that can accommodate an RV without hookups. We can accommodate RVs up to 40' in length. Please check the details of each individual site and review the warnings regarding larger RVs as our roads are narrow and the sites can be challenging to back into for larger RVs.
Is there drinking water?
Yes. Camp Dakota has excellent drinking water throughout the campground.
How many people can sleep in a Tee Pee?
Camp Dakota's Tee Pees have a propane fire pit inside, and are set on a wood deck. (Bring your own propane or purchase it from us.) You will need air mattresses or cots and sleeping bags. These 18' Tee Pee's will sleep a family of 4+ or - people (depending on how much stuff you bring). There is also room for at least one tent outside. These are available for rent from April 1 thru September 30 each year.
How many people can sleep in a yurt?
Camp Dakota has two sizes of yurts. To review the details of each yurt, just go the the yurt page at the link on this page.
Can I have my wedding at Camp Dakota?
Unfortunately we do not have the accommodations to host a wedding without it interfering in our normal activity and camping schedules. However, we recommend you contact our neighbors who have a beautiful venue that can be found on Facebook as 'The Woods on Crooked Finger', or you can call Faith at 503-961-4882 to get more information.